The Worst Reality TV Stars of the Week

The worst reality TV stars of the week, A "Bachelor Pad" star does something no one would want captured on camera.

Who were the worst reality TV stars this week?

Abby Lee Miller may have humiliated a little girl on "Dance Moms" by making fun of her hair, but at least she didn't head-butt her.

Kris Jenner ("Keeping Up With the Kardashians")

When her husband Bruce became friends with a former supermodel, Kris immediately overreacted by jumping off the deep end and arranging a meeting with her ex. And if secretly meeting him wasn't enough, Kris and Todd's rendezvous ended on a very ambiguous note... all because Bruce high-fived and put his arm around Angie Everhart.

Abraham ("The Glee Project")

He went from forgettable to whiny and insufferable in the course of this episode. Instead of accepting criticism and improving, he stomped back out on the stage and demanded that Ryan Murphy not only give him a chance for another week, but cast him on the show. It was ballsy, and completely misguided. We won't miss him.

Ed ("Bachelor Pad")

One way to make people forget about the time you had issues with erectile dysfunction is to get totally wasted on the first night in the house and dive into the pool and hot tub. Ed was disgustingly, black-out drunk and couldn't even sit still and pay attention to the rules of the game. It's the sort of behavior we expect from the juveniles on "The Real World," not a 33-year-old adult.

Willie ("Big Brother")

The poor sportsman followed in the footsteps of his brother Russell by flipping out the minute he didn't get his way. And instead of trying to rationalize things and find a way to get around Frank being HoH (or winning a Veto), he started a fight with Joe (for some reason) and ended up head-butting him and getting evicted.

Bristol ("Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp")

Recently, she giggled as her toddler son either spouted profanity or a gay slur, depending on how you interpret a bleep, so that meant we had to see what the young Ms. Palin was up to on this tedious show.

Politics aside, she made this list for leaving her boyfriend on the side of the road in the desert on the way to the Grand Canyon because he talked too much, and that was after he had helped her pack all of her belongings in a U-Haul.

We're not clear on her reasoning, or timing, or why she dumped her boyfriend in the car in front of her kid, but it was sad to see Tripp hanging on to Gino's arm and crying.

via Yahoo

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